San Benedetto x NABA
Packaging design
The concept of our project for San Benedetto was to transform the phrase “I love you” to “I love myself” visually,derived from common characteristics of Italian nature. By studying Italy’s top high fashion designers we determined that Italian design coveys a romantic, confident and cool image. Therefore, for our visions we have depicted women in poses that suggest a sense of pride and effortless beauty. We set out to convey the concept of “Italianness”, a concept that intrinsically includes an ideal image of fashion and romanticism. This heightens the elegance and romanticises the San Bendetto packaging design. We developed two different visions for the packaging, one that focuses on the elegance, the other being more playful.
CLASS: Future Scenarios
PROF: Emanuele Soi
MY ROLE: Packaging Design
Jie Li - Illustration

The woman represented in our visual wants to convey sensuality and elegance, through poses taken from big Italian brands’ photo shoots. The lines and shapes of her body,
combined with the dress made of tea leaves, recall the shapes of a lemon and a peach, depending on the flavour of the chosen can. Doing this helped us not to depict the actual fruits, if not in small details the complete the visual. Starting from the main theme “I love you”, we focused on the love that falls onto oneself; The woman, in her plastic pose, suggests pride and self-confidence, showing herself in her most beautiful and confident form.

For this vision, we wanted to play off of another key aspect of Italian culture, a concept that intrinsically includes an ideal image of fashion and cool. The woman represented in our visual wants to convey lightness, nonchalance and playfulness. The two illustrated subjects interact with the fruit in a lively and energetic manner, a factor also highlighted by the chromatic choice. Following the same theme of “I love Myself”, the woman we show is proud and independent, aware of her beauty.